
Although there are thousands of unique spider types in Australia, most spiders are harmless and are more of an annoyance around gardens, entrances, and other dark corners where others can be dangerous to humans & pets.

What are the signs of an infestation?

If you are seeing cobwebs around your property, on fences, gutters and in corners of rooms this may be a sign of a larger infestation as spiders only live in habitats where other insects are. It is recommended you remove the cobwebs whenever you find an empty one.

How often should my home be treated for spiders?

To keep your property spider free, I recommend that you treat the areas where spiders are likely to be as part of your General Pest Control service to ensure that spiders are kept under control.

What is the process?

By using a High Quality pesticide, I ensure that both spiders and other insects are controlled quickly and effectively.

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Bees / Wasps

Fleas / Bed Bugs

We Service Both



We care about your properties. But we don’t care for the creepy crawlies that keep you up at night or bug your while at work.

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Don't hesitate to call us directly for all your Pest Control needs.

0413 440 770

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Pest Control based in Mill Park 3082, and servicing all areas of Melbourne.

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